by admin | Feb 5, 2020 | News
Well done to the Rang 6 and Rang 5 quiz teams that participated in the First South Credit Union Quiz in the Rochestown Park Hotel on Monday. They represented our school superbly! Both teams scored 48 points, 5 shy off the winning team. Maith...
by admin | Feb 5, 2020 | News
Well done to the Rang 6 and Rang 5 quiz teams that participated in the First South Credit Union Quiz in the Rochestown Park Hotel on Monday. They represented our school superbly! Both teams scored 48 points, 5 shy off the winning team. Maith...
by admin | Feb 3, 2020 | News
Junior and Senior Infants enjoying their Breakfast morning as part of Kindness Week. Thank you to 6th class for hosting!!
by admin | Feb 3, 2020 | News
Junior and Senior Infants had a great time welcoming their grandparents to the classroom. We chatted, shared stories from now and then, recited poems as well as enjoying all the lovely treats brought in by everyone.
by admin | Jan 30, 2020 | News
Rang 5 have been working hard to create constructions of Famine villages in 1845. Fantastic effort was put in by all, from in workhouses to soup kitchens to coffin ships and all made from recycled materials!! Thanks to Ms. O’Sullivan’s class for coming to visit our...