Cool Constructions

5th and 6th class were very busy today! They worked in teams to see who could build the tallest, freestanding structure using chart paper, staples and cellotape. Check out their constructions!

Maigh Eo Abú!

We wish Conor and all the Stauntons the very best of luck on Sunday! Up Mayo!

6th Class Graduation

The class of 2017 had their end of year mass on Friday. They were a super class and they will be truly missed! We expect great things from each and every one of them and we wish them all the best in secondary school.

Recorder Recital

Here are some photos from our recorder recital today. The sun was shining and we performed outside. Thanks to Conor for being a fantastic teacher. We learned so much this year!

School Tour 2017

5th and 6th class had a super day yesterday in Kinsale Outdoor Education centre. They were kayaking, canoeing, wall climbing, shooting archery and some even braved the leap of faith! The sun was shining and everyone had great fun....