3rd and 4th Cave Paintings

Ms. O Dea’s 3rd and 4th class have been busy making Clay Cave Paintings over the past few weeks and they are delighted with their results.

Best of Luck to the Cork Ladies Football Team

We would like to wish Geraldine O’ Flynn (Miss O’ Flynn’s sister) and Bríd Stack (P.E. teacher who gave 5th and 6th a lesson in Carrigaline Community School) all the best of luck in this weekend’s All Ireland Ladies Football Final against Dublin.

Famine Commemoration Day

Today on the invitation of the Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht the whole school observed a minute of silence at midday, along with many other primary and post primary school throughout the country. This was in memory of all those who suffered loss during...

5th and 6th classes visit secondary schools

The 5th and 6th class students were brought to both Scoil Mhuire Crosshaven and the Carrigaline Community Schools for their open days. It was lovely to see some of our own past pupils involved in show us their new schools. Both schools put on a wonderful and varied...

Up Cork

Best of luck to Cork’s Camogie team today as they take on Galway. We hope they will have a better result to our 3rd class pupil who was in Croke Park last Sunday with his father, who is a native of Mayo. Corcaigh ABÚ!

5th and 6th Class Clay

5th and 6th class made clay pots reminding us that we can change and shape clay. When we make mistakes we can start again and restart. An ordinary pot can become extraordinary and different by adding personal detail. They all turned out really well. The finished...