Welcome Back

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back after the summer break with a special greeting to all our new pupils and families. We would also like to welcome Ms. Irene O’Flynn and Ms. Mairead Maloney to the staff. Ms. O’Flynn will be job-sharing...

Cork County Library Visit

Fifth and sixth class visited Cork County Library on June 3rd to view a wonderful exhibition of Louis La Brocquy lithograph prints used in the book The Tain. After a tour of the library basement (the hub of the around the county), the class were brought to the top of...

Congratulations to our Cork representative Emma!

Congratulations to Emma Good who has been selected to represent Cork in Thurles on June 7th in the Primary Game match, which will take place during half-time of the Cork v Waterford Senior Hurling Championship game. Best of Luck Emma!

Sports Day 2015

Today’s sport’s day was enjoyed by all. Each of the ten teams participated well at the various stations gaining points for their efforts, with bonus points for working as a team. The most popular station however was the ice cream van. Three students...

Cake Sale a Huge Success

A massive thanks to all who made today’s ‘Cake Sale for Nepal’ such a huge success. To all who helped with the baking and those who bought the produce we are extremely grateful. We are delighted to announce that we made over €600. This money will go...